Pick your Plan

Limitation Rewiring Session

One and half Hour session

+ The choice between a personalized meditation, affirmation or EFT Tapping track to have in your own toolbox to rewire your own limiting beliefs


  • Personalized meditation, Affirmation, or EFT Tapping track depending on what is deemed most beneficial for you, the client, tailored specifically to your specific needs, goals, and desires - aiding you toward embodying the state of being required to achieve those goals and desires.

  • Comprehensive In-depth client intake guide sent to you post session to best understand what subconscious limitations you have present and what habits, actions, and intentions are required to rewire those limitations. Guidance that you can apply long after your session to see the life changing results for yourself.

  • A deeper understanding of the science behind what you are doing, why it works, and how to apply it - all to deepen your intention behind the actions taken to rewire your limitations and fulfill your desires.

Transformation Blueprint Program

4 Included One Hour sessions

Once a week or Bi-weekly


  • Initial Consultation: Identifying and addressing limiting beliefs to begin creation of personalized tracks and begin goal setting/program creation.

  • Comprehensive in-depth client intake guide sent to you post-session(s) to best understand what subconscious limitations you have present and what actions, habits, and intentions are required to rewire those limitations and formulate a new state of being. Guidance and routines that you can apply long after your session to see the life changing results for yourself.

  • Follow-Up Sessions: Accountability to continually remind you as to why you are doing the work you are doing and to aid you through all blocks or dysregulation that may appear during the process of reconstructing belief systems and formulating new neural pathways. As well as program development/alterations and check-ins.

  • A deeper understanding of the science behind what you are doing, why it works, and how to apply it - all to deepen your intention behind the actions to rewire your limitations and achieve your end desires.

  • Personalized Tracks: Guaranteed creation of personalized meditation, affirmation, and EFT tapping tracks tailored to your specific needs, goals, and desires - aiding you toward embodying the state of being required to achieve those goals and desires.