One on One Coaching

At SOULFUL, we empower women through scientifically-backed methods to transform their lives from the inside out. Our personalized coaching approach integrates EFT Tapping, meditation, affirmations, nutrition, fitness, nervous system regulation, and more, rooted in neuroscience and psychology.

What We Offer:

  • Personalized Guidance: Tailored plans including personalized meditation, EFT Tapping, breathwork, and affirmations to address your specific needs and goals to rewire limitations into liberation, according to what methods work best for you individually.

  • Holistic Approach: Integrate physical movement and nutrition to support mental and physical well-being, enhancing nervous system regulation and overall vitality.

  • Empowerment and Growth: Identify and rewrite limiting beliefs, guiding you to higher self-worth, self-love, and authenticity, leading you toward a more fulfilling and limitless life. Re-empowering you as the creator of your own reality, you get to take back your power from any negative pattern or belief system holding you back in your life.

  • Accountability: Individual coaching allows you to set goals and do practices through out and between sessions, while holding it in the forefront of your mind, and balancing it with your schedule. Self accountability is a priority when it comes to rewiring your brain and nervous system as it generates self trust and commitment to these new ways of being.

Why Choose SOULFUL:

  • Proven Results: Science-based methodologies ensure effective and lasting transformation.

  • Supportive Community: Join a community of committed women dedicated to personal growth and fulfillment.

  • Personalized Care: Receive one-on-one attention and ongoing support tailored to your journey.

Take the First Step: Book your session today and embark on a journey to unlock your potential, live authentically, and thrive in every aspect of your life.

Meet your coach!

Meet Gracie Stronk: Your Guide to Empowered Living

Hello, I’m Gracie Stronk, and I’m passionate about empowering women to transform their lives from the inside out. As the founder of SOULFUL, my mission is to inspire women to realize their power as creators of their own reality.

Empowerment Through Transformation

My journey into coaching began with a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of rewiring subconscious beliefs. I’ve witnessed firsthand how liberating and empowering it is to break free from limiting beliefs and habits. Through personalized coaching at SOULFUL, I guide women to identify and rewrite these beliefs, transforming their perceptions and experiences.

Embracing the Blunt Truth

I believe in authenticity and honesty. As your coach, I’ll always respect your individuality while fearlessly challenging any self-imposed limitations. I’m committed to holding you accountable as you set intentions and take action towards your freedom from these beliefs.

Expertise Rooted in Neuroscience

With a strong background in Neuroscience from the University of Pennsylvania and pursuing toward my PhD, I bring a deep understanding of how our nervous system and brain shape our external experiences. This knowledge forms the foundation of my coaching, helping women harness their neural pathways for limitless potential.

A Personal Journey of Transformation

My own life has been profoundly impacted by these practices. By rewiring my neural pathways, I’ve transformed various aspects of my life, from relationships to career goals. I’m here to share these tools and empower you to create a life that reflects your innermost desires.

No Limits, Only Possibilities

At SOULFUL, I’m here to remind you that you have no limits. Life is a canvas waiting for your beautiful creation—it’s a reflection of your inner world. Through inner work and shifting your state of being, you can manifest a reality beyond your wildest dreams.

Join me on this empowering journey at SOULFUL, where together, we’ll unlock your limitless potential and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and authenticity.